Halloween party ideas 2015

Into the wide world of bands that did the same style from Death Metal bands of the 90s, especially if it is emphasized in what Deicide did in the early 90s. Many people believe that the sound could never be developed in more bands or more things. But that's a lie! Because within this sound there were Swedish bands (yes, as always) that developed that sound a little more, but they didn't have the impact to create a remarkable current style. Then names like Defaced Creation and Luciferion were forgotten in time by many Death Metal lovers. And we known that some members of Defaced Creation now play at Aeon and with Luciferion. They split-up in time after their last album "The Apostate" (2003). But the flame of “Serenity in Chaos” (1999) and “Demonication (The Manifest) (1994)" and obviously many Deicide albums are alive in the first full-length of the Turkish Diabolizer. Because this “Khalkedonian Death” is a great tribute to those bands and the sound they managed to make at the time. For that reason, Dargedik agreed an interview with Ali aka "Abomination Demonseed".

Leer la entrevista en Español: Entrevista a Diabolizer

Abomination Demonseed (vocals)

DARGEDIK: Welcome Abomination Demonseed to Dargedik webzine pages, it’s a great pleasure to talk with you about the band and your first album “Khalkedonian Death”. Which for me captured the exact essence from bands like Luciferion and Defaced Creation from Sweden. Tell us, what are the influences of the band for this album? And how was the recording and composition process for this first album during the pandemic? 

DIABOLIZER: Hailz from Kadıköy, Istanbul! Thank you for your kind words. Listing "influences" would be a useless deed, since we cannot exactly point out to this or that band. We've been playing with various bands for the better part of the last two decades, so it is safe to say that our music is not only based upon mere influences, but our own vision too, because I really feel we are adding our own texture and spirit to our creations. So, to sum it up shortly: It is a fruit of our decade’s long commitment to METAL. 

DARGEDIK: When I listened this “Khalkedonian Death” for 20 or 30 times (laughs), the idea of the bands like Luciferion, Defaced Creation perfectly encrypted in this album. For that reason, what were the motivations to form Diabolizer? 

DIABOLIZER: (laughs), glad you like our album so much, really appreciated it here, cheers! The band came to life after Mustafa and Aberrant wanted to discover into different styles of Death Metal, Mustafa had new ideas which wouldn't sound similar to their other mutual band, Engulfed. So, in early 2012, the demo versions of what were to become the first Diabolizer songs started emerging. Following that we have gathered a full line-up and have been treading on this new path ever since. 

Malik (bajo)

DARGEDIK: Explain us a little more about the band, what is the focus of the lyrics? Who made the band logo? And what does the band do apart from music? 

DIABOLIZER: We intend to display a totally vicious, aggressive and malignant approach to Death Metal, with burning aggression and seething hatred being reflected both musically and lyrically. Our lyrical themes revolve around everything evil, inhumane and destructive. I really can't remember who made the logo but I guess he was from Indonesia. As for outside the music, I have a white-collar job as a "headhunter" to make a living, which is somewhat time-consuming, but my job isn't really stressful so it's alright, I think. I would love not having to work, but I gotta win a fucking lottery first... As for the other members, I wouldn't want to answer it on their behalf, so let's get on with the next question. 

DARGEDIK: "Khalkedonian Death" is release by Everlasting Spew Records in CD and digitally, then Me Saco un Ojo Records do the Vinyl version and finally Desiccated Productions do in tape version. How do you manage these releases in different formats by different labels? And do you think with this issue released on different labels, the band will stop being underground? 

DIABOLIZER: We've been having contacts from all around the world for long years so, finding good deals wasn't that much of a struggle. Like I've said before all of us have been active with more bands than just Diabolizer, so we've all got broad networks within the underground scene worldwide. As for stopping being underground, I really have no idea if it will lead to that point, and I really don't give it too much thought. I mean there is more acute stuff I gotta take care of in my life, so I don't feel like wasting time on thinking about situations which haven't even happened yet. I can only be sure that we won't be compromising our style and music to conform with anything, no matter what happens. Diabolizer is and will remain Diabolizer, the way we've always meant from the start! 

Aberrant (batería)

DARGEDIK: Now we’ll speak about other matters into the metal scene. Nowadays, how do you see the situation of the bands in the face of this new pandemic, ¿How will this pandemic affect to musicians, bands and crew? ‘Coz these days the majority of the bands live with shows or gigs in different parts of the world. 

DIABOLIZER: It struck us hard, really. But I feel like we're nearing the end of this pandemic shit. I mean look at USA and Europe, some gigs already happened and new fests and tours are being announced constantly. 

DARGEDIK: How do you feel now that you can’t play live and postpone tours for a year? even this is the logic way. How are you face up with the uncertainty that this might not happen again in the future? 

DIABOLIZER: To personally answer this I have to say that I took it all with lots of booze. We're living in such a doomed corner of the world, that even before the pandemic, everything was constantly getting worse. Someone in Europe of USA might say that everything was great and the pandemic put an end to it, but for us this is not the case. Our lives were too fucking restless already. 

Mustafa (guitarra)

DARGEDIK: Into the matter of how an underground band and a conventional band was should be considered, there are patterns that more vinyl or cassette productions stick to the underground concept, and the CD only expanded the collections of the fans. What do you think are the factors for fans to stick to this underground metal concept? And where is located the digital platforms? 

DIABOLIZER: Well, I really don't get the hatred against CD's. It's a practical way to listen to music, I mean you can't walk down the road or drive a car while listening to Vinyl, can you? (Not that I don't like vinyl, it's quite the opposite, I love it!) Having started listening to Metal in early 90's, tapes were my first introduction to the music of course, and I still adore tapes. But I remember receiving my first CD as a birthday present and I was blown away by the practicality of it. Digital platforms are useful for discovering new stuff of course, but I'm really glad that Metal, as a culture, is still kept alive even today, with fans buying real material and keeping up with the traditions. 

DARGEDIK: According to you, where is located the vynil, tape and CD into the metal scene nowadays, are these physical underground formats? Or are these mainstream formats? Coz as I said into the previous question, some people of this new generation prefer to hear an album in Vynil or Tape and not CD. 

DIABOLIZER: Well, if I have to add a few more words to the discussion I would say the following. Tapes: My first records, listening to tapes is something I still like. CD: The most practical "material" format. Vinyl: This is something special, Vinyls really do sound better and much more organic. Plus having the artwork in its biggest form is visually appealing too. That being said, I love all the three formats. 

Can (guitarra)

DARGEDIK: Other detail is about the listening methods of the fans, coz this new generation prefers to hear one or two songs into the digital platforms. What are you think about the albums doesn’t have the same impact in compare of the 80s or 90s? And what does bands need to do for improve the listening of all songs in albums? 

DIABOLIZER: Well in the 80's and 90's there were a certain amount of bands and most of them were trying to push boundaries. Nowadays we are being subjected to an endless stream of new releases every single day, so sadly most new stuff goes unnoticed by many people, including myself. It is really hard to keep up with this many new albums. 

DARGEDIK: In recent years, old school Death Metal began to saturate and into this subject we talked to Tomb Mold, Necrowretch and other bands more about old school Death Metal going to saturate in the next 5 or 10 years and the style will wane in creativity. Do you think old school Death Metal will saturate in the next few years? Is there a way to expand the style without looking at the past? 

DIABOLIZER: It is not easy to predict what style will be "re-invented" next. Every few years the trending sounds change. No matter which style gets rehashed again I'm sure that 95% of those bandwagon jumpers will stop doing that after an album or so, that is my only prediction haha. 

DARGEDIK: Well Abomination Demonseed, the sad time arrived at this interview, I hope you enjoy this one as I did and thank you very much for your time. Congratulations for the new album and this one will be going to my top from 2021. Take care during this pandemic situation and our best wishes from this part of the world. Any last words for your new fans in Latin America and Dargedik readers? 

DIABOLIZER: Thank you so much for this interview, not only because of your support, which is something we already appreciate a lot, but also for the interesting questions which felt pretty fresh among the heaps of "regular" interviews with the same questions. Answering your intie was a pleasure for me too. And cheers to the maniacs of Sud-America! Salve Satan, ¡Viva el Odio!

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